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Our Early Reactions to Threads

In a recent upheaval to the social media landscape, Meta introduced Threads. In less than a week, the platform attracted more than 100 million users, becoming the fastest network to reach that milestone. Threads served the first real external blow to Twitter, which has been losing users and money as a result of self-inflicted wounds since the company’s change in ownership.

Here at Creagent Marketing (and Urban Corning), we wanted to be early adopters of the app. Our intern, Olivia Proudfoot, quickly created a Threads account for Urban Corning less than 24 hours after the app was launched. Below are five of her initial observations:

Users can start out with a base of followers, making it easy to get started

Right when you first open the app, the Instagram accounts you own are listed and you can easily log into any of them. You can even import your Instagram bio and website URL in one click. Then you are brought to a screen listing everyone you already follow on Instagram; you can instantly follow all of those same accounts with one click. This makes it incredibly easy to get started on the app without having to spend time searching for the hundreds of accounts you follow on Instagram. It also gives you a base followers right from the start. I think it feels a lot easier to get started on an app when you know you’re going to see familiar friends and content from the start.

People were very fast to download the app and be active on it

As I first looked at the feed section, I was surprised to see how many large companies and celebrities were already on the app and posting. I created Urban Corning’s account less than a day after the app was released, yet many companies and celebrities already had a number of “threads” posted and a lot of activity on those threads. 

Companies are taking a casual, funny approach to their posts

Companies are being very casual on the platform. The way companies are using the app reminds me of how they use TikTok. Companies use both of these apps with a more casual, funny, and personable approach. I have always enjoyed seeing big, well-known brands post funny videos or comments on TikTok that make it seem like they are just a normal user of the app, and it seems this approach is what’s being used on Threads so far. 

People are actively comparing Threads with Twitter

I have noticed there have already been many posts shading Twitter. The first thing I learned about the app when it was released was that it is extremely similar to Twitter, and many think it could replace Twitter altogether. I wondered how high the chances were that this app replaces Twitter, because when Instagram added Reels it did not seem to affect TikTok usage at all. But with all the controversy happening with Twitter and all of the posts on the app I am seeing that are talking negatively about Twitter, I think it is possible Threads will be a strong competitor.

My predictions for Threads

I really do think that Threads will end up being successful based on what I have already seen on the app. Many influencers that I follow on Instagram already have an account and are encouraging people to join the app and follow them. While I do not think it could completely replace Twitter, I think it is going to be a major competitor for the platform. Threads is new and exciting, and it’s gained popularity fast. I can see Threads sticking around for a while and being really successful. 

Social media is such a significant part of our daily lives now, so it’s really interesting to see a new app be launched that could potentially become one of the platforms we check every day. As a brand new app there is some room for improvement, but I was overall really impressed with the app right from the beginning. I’m excited to see where the app goes and to see if it will become as popular as TikTok, Snapchat, and Instagram. 

Instagram: Simple Tips To Remember When Getting Started

Instagram is a great tool for businesses. As today’s consumers become more and more visually minded, it’s a social media channel that could take a brand to the next level. Part of its influence stems from the sheer number of active users: more than 1 billion people worldwide and roughly 120 million monthly users in the US, alone. Unlike Facebook, which uses obscure and ever-changing algorithms to determine who will and will not see your posts, if someone follows you on Instagram, the chance of that person seeing your content is significantly higher. Instagram’s Search & Explore feature makes it easier for people to find interesting content from all over the world—by location, tag, photographer or subject matter. Posting the right kind of content could increase your engagement and brand influence tenfold.

But that’s just it: you need to post the right content. Instagram success could be yours, if you take the initiative to avoid the missteps and shortcomings in the following list that often prevent brands from reaching their fullest potential.

Post Your Website Link In Your Bio

This is the one thing that should be stressed over and over again. Your profile’s bio is the only place, on all of Instagram, where you can add a clickable link to your website. Unfortunately, many accounts still neglect to do so, missing huge opportunities to build brand awareness and engage a potential customer base further.

Post High-Quality Images

This one’s simple, really. Instagram is a visual tool, so posting unattractive or boring photos will not create the kind of engagement that really drives brand success. In fact, doing so is more likely to deter new followers and scare away the ones that you do have. Now, that doesn’t mean that every photo you upload needs to be taken with a DSLR. As Instagram is primarily a mobile tool, it’s understood (and encouraged!) that the majority of photos will be taken and uploaded with a smartphone. However, some simple photography principles and the countless editing/photography apps available for most iOS and Android devices mean there’s no excuse for lackluster images. We recommend using  VSCOcam to elevate your mobile photography.

Don’t Misuse Hashtags

Over 91% of all images posted on Instagram contain one or more hashtags. The main function of a hashtag is to open content up for discovery, by allowing others to find images and other users of interest, via relevant keywords. If you fail to use a hashtag or two that could be relevant to your brand’s content, you miss an opportunity to be discovered and engaged with. But on the flip side, if you spam your posts with too many irrelevant hashtags, you devalue your account and run the risk of losing brand credibility.

It can all be a little confusing, so check out this great Hootsuite post if you still need help understanding hashtags.

Engage With Others

Instagram is a great social media platform and it’s cultivated a fiercely loyal community of users who want to interact with relevant content. To get the most out of this interaction, you can’t just treat your account as some kind of “set it and forget it” tool. If you want to become a leader in your brand’s industry, follow other relevant users within that industry and engage with them. Don’t go on liking sprees, which can come off as desperate, but definitely like and comment on their photos when appropriate. Doing this, and doing it authentically, will associate your brand with theirs and do more to position your brand as an industry influencer. Likewise, if somebody leaves a comment on one of your photos, take the time to respond. It takes five seconds. Building a successful brand has a lot to do with building meaningful relationships with your consumers, so it would make the most sense to actually take part in conversations with your Instagram community.

If you’d like to see some small businesses who have taken their brands’ to the next level by doing all of the above, and doing it really well, check out 33 Acres Brewing Company, Brunette Wine Bar or Glen Edith Coffee.